Greetings, explorers of knowledge! Our quest today takes us on a remarkable journey, one that steps backward through the sands of time into an age when enormous, majestic creatures ruled the Earth. These beings, creatures that now live in our imagination and the pages of paleontology books, are the mighty dinosaurs. How do we know when these fascinating creatures roamed our planet? It seems a riddle as colossal as the dinosaurs themselves. Yet, through the marvel of science, particularly the discipline of geology, we have managed to unravel this ancient mystery. The key to this temporal puzzle lies in the ground beneath our feet. Sedimentary rocks, layers upon layers of mineral and organic material, serve as time capsules, capturing snapshots of the Earth’s history. Within these layers, known as strata, we find fossils – the preserved remnants or traces of organisms that lived in the past. But to date these […]
Daily archives: 2023-07-24
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